de Zwarte Vlam

The affairs of a fiery entrance:

Well in advance - that's approximately 1 to 1.5 hours - I am present at the agreed location of your event. I take all the necessities materials with me. On the spot I look for the best and nicest possible array. Here the safety always comes first. The basic principle is that all guests upon arrival target there attention on the event. In case you as organization have any last ideas, you can indicate them. Perhaps it is possible that they are processed in the event. This is also the time to deal with the last of the business agreements.

I start unpacking and preparing the materials. Shortly before your event starts, I divide the combustible liquids over the various fire bowls and/or gutters of fire, and light them. These fire bowls and/or gutters of fire burn approximately 1.5 hours. Then they are slowly flickering out.
In consultation this time may be extended or shortened.
Within a the period of that 1.5 hours, I will in several blocks divided, also give performances with fire. ("Mega Poi", fire whips, fire breathing are options). There are no exact times on when this takes place, for it is most logical to play with fire at the moment that guests arrive. Gladly I also speak words of welcome.

Important to know: from the moment I divide the combustible liquids to the moment that they are fully burned out, I do not let my materials unattended.

After the fire bowls and/or gutters of fire are burned out, I immediately put al the materials away. If everything is safely stored in my car, I will tell you about that. It would be very pleasant if there is a possibility to refresh myself.

In short, you do (almost) nothing extra and have no additional arrangements. I bring this fiery entrance as a ready-made piece of entertainment.


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